Monday, September 5, 2011

Dairy-free SCD nut muffins!

I haven't posted here in, well, YEARS!!!

It's been a crazy couple of years. And life got so crazy I had to stop SCD for a long time. But now, I'm getting back into it -- at least the best parts of it, like cutting out all white starchy foods (potatoes, pasta etc.)

I've been wanting to go SCD again for a while. Besides time, and lack of food storage space where I live now, I have another hiccough -- I'm now dairy-free as well. I learned several months ago that my daughter and I are both casein-intolerant! Ugh! And it affects her terribly! It's definitely not just lactose that is the issue. So.... how can I make most of my favorite SCD recipes without cheese or yogurt? GAH!

Well... today I tried one. Just one. And it worked. It's Super! I can have Elaine's basic nut muffin recipe again! HURRAY!!!

...All I did was substitute Amande almond yogurt for the yogurt/applesauce. That's IT. (Not a huge fan of this recipe using applesauce, even though that's a quick easy dairy-free alternative.)

The results were fabulous. It was my old favorite friend nut-muffin... but it rose better, it stayed risen, it browned better, and is tasted better too!  Subtle differences, but noticeable and enjoyable ones. Yay!

My ulterior motive was to try baking with Amande and see what happens. So far, so good. Now let's just hope  the muffins are still fresh tomorrow. =)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Books I Need to Read

I've seen "You Are What You Eat" on BBCA, but I need to check out the book. These other books look right in line with SCD -- and the article (also linked at this blog) is by a fellow gluten intolerant!

Inspirational Books for Achieving Healthfulness Through Diet
In my personal journey to discover good health and eating habits, these are the four books that have contributed the most to changing my life.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Celiac Disease is "Grossly Underdiagnosed" - New York Times

Brilliant, Gluten Intolerance has made the New York Times. The article points to the struggles of atheletes with the disease, whose performance and bodies suffer but they are often poorly diagnosed. Yet once gluten intolerance is recognized, a gluten-free diet (while difficult) can put them back on top again.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Coconut Shrimp & Lentils: Awesome Even When I'm Not All There

Made it again last night, and I am still just really loving this recipe. It satisfies my need for something starchy/Asian-y.

It was good even though I wasn't totally with-it last night. I cooked the lentils in too much water which I didn't drain enough (they were a little wetter than I like) and I forgot to save the extras I cooked - oops! I also did not have any cilantro. The cilantro definitely gives this meal something extra, but it was still really yummy and satisfying.

Also, the last time I made this I used sweetened cocout without realizing it -- so I just added a little honey and stirred up my bowl. I didn't need much tamari at all. Scrumplicious!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Awesome Awesome Autumnal Goodness: Review of SCD Pumpkin Porridge

I made a vat of the SCD Pumpkin Porridge recipe last week. I multiplied the quantities by 4, and used 1/2 a small white cooking pumpkin as the squash. (I wish I knew the name of the pumpkin variety -- it was the one recommended by the guy at the farmer's market as the best for eating.)

The finished product was delicious. I should have taken pictures. I personally didn't need to add any honey (I used to eat oatmeal plain). Really, really good - any easy to spice up any way you desire!

Friday, October 10, 2008

I Never Knew Non-Stick Cookware Was the Devil!

But I do now. I just read this article "On Green Cookware" by Umbra Fisk. All my pots and pans (except the dutch oven) are non-stick. Maybe with the economy shot, I'll find a bargain on copper or ironware?

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Boy does this recipe look awesome... and perfect for fall!!!!! It's vegan, it's porridge, I think I'm gonna make it for my husband and our friends. Hurray!

A Guide to Keeping Kids Eating Healthy on Halloween Night

Options for people who want to treat the neighborhood's little tricksters while restricting sugar, fat, gluten and other poisons.
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I don't have kids yet, but there are some great tips here! There's more great ideas for having a healthy halloween here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hey Hey this is Great News!

I've been learning more about the Institute for Integrative Nutrition after being lead to their website by lots of SCD-adaptable recipes. :-) Processed food sucks.

Joshua Rosenthal to Attend ADA Convention
I just opened my email to some exciting news. Joshua Rosenthal, Founder of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, has rented a booth at the American Dietetic Association's National Convention.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pretty Good Recipe Site

I found this recipe site through another blog. It's not an SCD site, but it is all about organic and unprocessed foods, so there's a lot here we can't eat but there's a lot here we can, if we change out a few things (i.e. substitute honey for any sweeteners etc. etc.) Pretty good! Integrative Nutrition

Vegan Recipes for SCD

Excellent! More new recipes, and vegan ones at that! These are also for people who've been SCDing for at least 3 mos.

A Vegan Meal for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet
A menu plan for any small gathering of friends that accommodates both vegans and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008

New SCD Recipes!

For people who've been on the diet 3+ months and have no symptoms.

SCD Recipes: Coconut Shrimp & Lentils, 'Dubliner' Burger Honey-Mustard Salad
Two easy, tested recipes suitable for people on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Story Like Mine

Struggling to Lose Weight? You May Be Gluten Intolerant
Some of us try and can't lose those extra pounds. Celiac disease, once a skinny person's condition, is now known to contribute to obesity in some. By eating gluten, undiagnosed celiacs may be unknowingly starving themselves and making it impossible to lose weight.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Welcome to my new gluten-free SCD blog!

This blog is dedicated to helping those of us treating our celiac disease by adhereing to the awesome Specific Carbohydrate Diet. As a woman on this path, I'm still amazed at how rapidly many of my symptoms have improved in such a short period of time -- although I still have a long row to hoe!